We will finish our short look into the book of Jude today. This book contains only 25 verses, and throughout this month, we have just hit some of the highlights. Jude exhorts us to contend for the faith. He tells us how to go about it and why it is so important. He warns us of false teachers and encourages us to not only grow in the faith but to also rescue the perishing. It is a lot to take in. How can we find the strength to do this? How can we stay faithful? Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24. 25 Jude finishes his letter with a doxology - an expression of praise towards God. We do not build ourselves up in the faith with our own strength; we do not contend for the faith with our own effort. It is God who saves, who strengthens and keeps us. God in His mercy keeps us from stumbling. He is aware of our weakness and propensity to sin. Hebrews 4:14-16 tell us that God sympathizes with our weakness and that through Jesus we are able to come near to the throne of mercy to receive help in the time of need. When we are struggling, we need to look to Jesus; He is the strength we need to keep from stumbling. Not only does He keep us steady, He presents us blameless before the presence of His glory. While we contend for the faith and continually grow in the faith, we do not save ourselves. I cannot stand before God because of what I have done or accomplished. The only reason any of us can come before God and live is because Jesus presents us blameless. We are credited with His righteousness. I have no reason to boast in my own efforts. I cannot and will not stand before God because of anything that I have accomplished. We can only come to God and know Him as Father because Jesus presents those who have placed their faith in Him as blameless. Jesus is Lord! He is our Savior. May we take joy in Him. The secret to contending for the faith and being built up into it is not our strength or ability. The key to sharing with others and helping those who are perishing is not our intellect or desire. When we focus on ourselves we are prone to stumble and get frustrated. The key to all that Jude has said is Jesus and what He has accomplished. We need to remember that He is the One who keeps us from stumbling and presents us blameless. Jude wanted to write a letter about our common salvation; however, even in writing about contending for the faith, he closed with a beautiful doxology about our common salvation. The same God who strengthened and enabled Jude is the same God who strengthens us today. He is faithful; He will not fail us. Set your eyes on Him, and He will enable us to contend for the faith.
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