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Pastor Josh Daggett

Josh Daggett
Lead Pastor

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I grew up in a Christian home but was not a Christian. I came to Christ dramatically, through a series of events that exposed my fear of death and worship of self. Since Jesus became my Lord and Savior, He has led me into ministry and I love communicating God's Word to people. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I serve as lead and preaching pastor at Living Waters. I help lead the church through my primary gifts which are preaching and evangelism. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I can't choose just one so I'll say Golf, Running & Basketball. Food: This one is not hard...Pizza! Movie: The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Chad DeCleene

Chad DeCleene
Teaching Pastor

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home where my parents shared the gospel with me as soon as I could understand. At a young age I realized I was a sinner, and in need of salvation. I prayed to God, asking Him to forgive me if my sin and to save me. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I am the teaching Pastor, so I love to read and study God’s Word and help others understand it. God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness through the knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:3). MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I love to run outside, explore with my kids, make and drink good coffee, read and anything Michigan Wolverines. Food: My wife’s homemade pizza, and a close second is tacos. Movie: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Holly Pearson

Holly Pearson
Office Manager

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I grew up in a Christian home and I heard about God’s huge love for me often. When I was attending VBS as a child, I heard a message of God’s free gift of salvation for me - a sinner! I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I continue to be amazed at God’s love and grace as He shows me areas of my life that I constantly need to surrender so that God can change me to be more like Him. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I am the office manager and do administrative work behind the scenes. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I love spending time with the family, reading and doing anything crafty. Food: Pizza :) Movie: Pride & Prejudice

Andy Bittle

Andy Bittle
Counseling Pastor

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I was saved at a youth event at Adventureland when I was 11 yrs. old and I heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus by faith. I know that I was a sinner and needed saving. I heard the gospel many times from my dad before he passed away. Since being saved my life has been different as I want to think how God wants me to think and do what God wants me to do. I want to live my life for Him and share the hope that I have with others. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I serve as the Counseling Pastor and coordinate all things counseling. I also oversee Living Waters Counseling, our counseling ministry at LWF, as well as spearhead the annual Living Waters Biblical Counseling Conference each January. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I really enjoy the outdoors and hunting, fishing and I also enjoy watching college wrestling. Food: I have so many favorites but I really like a great steak and a baked potato. I also really like pie and my mother inlaws butterscotch pie is probably my favorite. Movie: The Quiet Man with John Wayne

Jon Jeske

Jon Jeske
Administrative Pastor

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I was introduced to the Gospel of Jesus at a young age at church. However, I did not accept Christ as my savior until my teenage years as a result of a youth camp trip. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I oversee many of our ministries to help ensure volunteers are placed where they are needed to serve the church and community. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: Go Blue! I am a University of Michigan fan. I also enjoy cooking food on the grill! Food: I will eat most any food but my favorite foods come off a grill or smoker.

Danielle Van Wyk

Danielle Van Wyk | Counseling Coordinator

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I grew up in a Christian home and attending church. At 8 years old I knew I was a sinner and needed Jesus in my heart. My mom prayed with me and I was saved. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I meet with Pastor Andy to coordinate the counseling schedule and manage the counseling website. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I enjoy photography & singing. Food: Pasta Movie: I enjoy watching home videos.

Rob Pearson

Rob Pearson
Youth & Connections Pastor

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I grew up in a home where I heard the truth of Gods Word and was regularly at church. At age 5 I was in counsel time at Awana and a man by the name of Dean Lundberg was teaching how heaven and hell are both real places and the only way to heaven was to put your trust in Jesus who died for your sin. I prayed to God with my mother in a back room, confessed my sin and put my trust in Jesus. Though I am a sinner God chose to love me and continues to show me that over and over again. WHAT I DO AT LWF: I get to serve God in teaching His Word, discipleship and having fun with our youth we call Hydrate, I’m very blessed to be doing this with youth leaders who love youth and love Jesus. My role as a connections pastor is to connect all people to God, but new comers to the church and the body to each other. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: Shooting Food: Too many to choose from; Reuben sandwiches, breaded pork tenderloins, BLT... Movie: I'm not good at picking just one: Braveheart, Lethal Weapons (all of them), 2 Guns, The Proposal

Julie McDaniel

Julie McDaniel
Children's Ministry Director

ABOUT ME MY GOSPEL STORY: I grew up going to church, but didn’t really know what the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was until I was an adult. I grew up knowing a lot of Bible stories but they didn’t affect the way I lived my life until after I was saved. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in 2011, shortly after coming to Living Waters Fellowship. WHAT I DO AT LWF: As the Director of Children’s Ministry, I teach Sunday School and Kids4Truth, organize and schedule volunteers, and plan various special events throughout the year. Outside of my main staff position, I also lead a small group with my husband and am a lay counselor for Living Waters Counseling. MY FAVORITE THINGS: Hobby: I enjoy singing, dancing and lifting weights. Food: I could eat pizza every day. Movie: A Muppet's Christmas Carol.

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