We are naturally inclined to seek out valuable things. What we have in common is the desire to seek and find things that are valuable; where we differ is in what we actually consider to be valuable. For example, when I was younger I valued football cards and would search to find the best cards. I was convinced that I would find cards so valuable I would one day be able to sell them and be rich. It’s been a few years since I bought those cards and while some may have increased in value, I have yet to become rich for having them.
We all treasure certain things or people. This past Sunday, Pastor Rob preached on Mark 10 and the rich young ruler. This young man knew he needed something more and sought Jesus out. However, when confronted with giving up what he truly treasured so that he could follow Jesus, the young man chose his possessions over Jesus.
Jesus is not against us having possessions, as he knows we need food, clothing, and shelter. But He is against us valuing those things more than we value Him.
Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to sell his possessions out of spite; He did it out of love to show the young man what he truly valued. Jesus’ request revealed this man’s heart. This man was not truly seeking Jesus; he was seeking his own good and benefit and was looking for spiritual security without making any change.
As we think through the account of the rich young ruler, we need to think through what we are seeking. Are we seeking Jesus or our own comfort? Are we seeking Jesus or our own recognition?
We need to continually evaluate who and what we are seeking. Jesus challenged us this way in the Sermon on the Mount when He said:
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. — Matthew 6:33-34
We are all seeking. We are either seeking our own good, or we are seeking the kingdom of God. One of these things will have top priority in our lives. The New Living Translation puts the verse this way:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
We need to seek God’s kingdom above everything else. We need to value Jesus above everything and everyone else. If we place Him first, He will provide our needs. He knows that we need food, clothing, and necessities. As we seek Him and live according to His commands, He will provide because He loves and cares for His children. Too often, we seek all these other things first and then try and fit Jesus in. We need to treasure Him above all else and trust Him, then everything else will fall into it’s proper place.