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Chad DeCleene

This is the week our nation celebrates Thanksgiving. It is a time of year many of us reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. When we look at our county and society as a whole, it is often easier to find things to complain about rather than find things to be thankful for. We should not be surprised by how broken our world is, especially after we have gone through the first 3 chapters of Romans as a church. We are all sinners; we have all broken God’s law repeatedly. Left to ourselves, our situation would be hopeless, and we would have very little to be truly thankful for.

However, as believers in Christ, we will always have reason to be thankful. And as we reflect on the seriousness of our sin, it should cause us to be even more grateful for what God has done for us. I was struck by this verse in Romans 10 as I was reading this weekend:

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing His riches on all who call on Him. Romans 10:12

As I meditated on this verse, here are some things we can all be thankful for:

  • Unity in Christ: There is no distinction between Jew and Gentile. We are united in Jesus; He is the Lord over all people. Paul was writing to a church struggling with division between Jews and Gentiles. There were disagreements between those of different upbringing, values, and ways of life (this is not a recent problem). Paul reminds us that Jesus is Lord of all. We all serve the same God. Christ alone is the Savior; and, therefore, all who would truly come to God serve the same Lord.

  • Riches in Christ: He bestows His riches on us. He freely gives us great and precious promises. We are not deserving of these riches, yet God grants them to all who truly call upon Him. These riches cannot be earned or merited. As we learned going through Romans 3:21-26 this past week, God sent Jesus as the wrath removing sacrifice for our sins. Therefore, instead of getting the penalty we deserve, we can receive eternal life and become a part of the family of God.

  • Salvation in Christ: This salvation is available to all who call on him. You do not need to be born into the right family; you do not need to have a certain level of wealth or education. All who repent, confess Jesus as Lord, and call on Him in faith will be saved. We have an eternal inheritance. We will live in a new heaven and earth where there will be no brokenness!

In this short verse we have so much to be thankful for! May we look at our lives and our society through the lens of all that God has done for us through Christ. May you take time to reflect and give thanks this week.

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