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Culture Wars: God's Design for Life

Chad DeCleene

God is the Author of life. He created life and sustains it. One of the biggest issues in our culture today is the debate between pro-life and pro-choice. We worked through this issue in our most recent Connect class. This debate and discussion is often very emotional. However, as believers in Christ it is important that we look at this issue in light of the truth of God’s Word and the truth of His creation. 

All human life has value because God created us in His image:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

As we think through how we should approach this issue, we need to remember that every human being was created in the image of God. All human life has value because God made us in His image. That is our foundation. 

God’s Word speaks about life in the womb:

  • Psalm 139:13-16 - Inspired by the Holy Spirit, David speaks of life in the womb.

  • Luke 1:39-45 - Luke talks about John the Baptist responding to Mary’s visit while he was still in the womb. 

As we read through God’s Word it is clear that human life begins in the womb. In a recent medical article, over 5000 biologists were surveyed, and over 95% of them affirmed that human life begins at fertilization. From fertilization/conception the unborn child is a human being. The child in the womb is not merely “a clump of cells” or a “parasite.” The word fetus comes from Latin and simply means offspring. Life begins at conception. While the child in the womb is developing and growing, it is 100% human.

The aim of this article is not to present all of the arguments for the pro-life position. As we deal with an emotional and divisive issue, we need to remember that this is ultimately a human rights issue. The child in the womb is not less human because he or she has not yet been born. Many emotional arguments are made to present the idea that the pro-choice view is more loving. These arguments do not take into account the life of the unborn child. The life of the mother and the life of the unborn child are equally important. Therefore, as believers we need to fight for the life of the unborn child and seek to help and show mercy towards mothers who are struggling in pregnancy. 

As we engage in this cultural issue, we need to be standing solidly on the Biblical truth and value life in the womb. We need to stand against the elective abortions which have ended the lives of millions of people. We also need to stand with mercy and grace to help those who are struggling or overwhelmed with a pregnancy. We need to share the love of Christ with those who have had abortions and share the truth of life with those who are considering it. As believers in Christ we should stand for life and for salvation.

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