Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so... - Psalm 107:1-2
When God is doing work, it's good to talk about it! Certainly we who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ have much to talk about. Amazing Grace is sweet and how wonderful it sounds in the mouths of grateful Christians. Here's some News & Notes from me. Just a few (of many) things we're giving God praise for these days:
1 - Salvations - We've seen eight people make professions of faith in Jesus in the last three weeks. Eight! We are rejoicing in these decisions for Christ and are following up with them as we speak. May Jesus be praised and yes Lord, we're asking that You bring more people to yourself in the coming days, weeks and months!
2 - Church Planting - We have the privilege of having Engage Network resident, Stephen Moore in the pulpit on October 24th, challenging us from Acts 13 and letting us know about the next Engage Church Plant which will be happening in Huxley, Iowa in 2022. We will be taking a special Harvest offering for Stephen on November 14th and our goal is to bring in $5,000 that day to support Stephen with the necessary start-up funds they'll need as they start the church. As a recipient of these monies in 2008, I can tell you this offering will be a big-time encouragement to Stephen and the church in Huxley. Please mark the date and consider giving to the great cause of church planting!
3 - Renovation Generosity - Since we began our "Moving In" Giving Campaign in April, our church has sacrificially given over $131,000 to the cause. $131,000 given above & beyond normal giving in just 7 months...can we get a shout of praise to God or what!?! Many of you have given very sacrificially and I want to thank you for your generosity & encourage you to keep going for Jesus. We'll be hosting a Harvest Sunday Offering exclusively for the renovation campaign on November 21st, so if you're looking for a specific day to give to the renovation fund, that's the day! I'll be recording a video soon to update the "Moving In" Campaign so if you haven't gotten involved yet, we hope you'll consider joining us!
4 - Attendance - Our Sunday Morning attendance continues to climb as we're getting more established in our new building (averaging around 320 people per Sunday!) We are so excited about more people coming to worship God, experience fellowship, and hear the Gospel preached as Fall moves to Holiday Season. As more people join us for church, we're bringing back Name Tag Sunday! Once per month, we will be providing name tag stickers that you can use to identify yourself and get to know more people. It's our hope that seeing people's names will help everyone not feel as awkward or nervous in approaching someone to start a conversation.
Much Love Church. Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so and may the Glory be Jesus' alone!
- Pastor Josh, Acts 20:24