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John Lineberry

Divine Forgetfulness

God has built into man's personality the ability to recall, to bring forth instantly and clearly past events of bygone days. It is, however, quite unfortunate that some of us do well at forgetting what we should remember, and remembering what we should forget. The Apostle Paul speaks of forgetting past times (Phil. 3:13). Learn to expunge from your memory past failures, discouragements, misunderstandings, squandered opportunities, and shattered dreams. Contrariwise, reach forth in renewed determination to engage those things which lie ahead, glorious opportunities to serve the Lord with purpose and power, to win triumphs in trials, to sprinkle sunshine along the pathway of our pilgrim journey, encouraging others to be and do their best for the Lord (Phil.

4:13, 19).

Memory is a blessing freely given by Lord out of the bounty of His benefits to us. Memory allows us to relive those happy times of yesteryear. Sometimes, the ability to forget is a blessing in disguise. Forget that blunder or failure, or a bad experience that

comes back in weak moments to haunt, disturb, and discourage us, causing sleepless nights and restless days. Forget those unkind words spoken in a fit of anger.

In the school of learning and achievement, the science of memory is mnemonics (the art of improving the working efficiency of the minds). The adjectival word mnemonic refers to that which assists the memory in the power of recall. A mnemonic devise might be an object or symbol to aid the memory.

Experts in mnemonics tell us that one person doesn't have any better memory than another person; but rather that one's memory improves as he uses it. A dull memory is much like a rusty, squeaky hinge on a door. Frequent use will act like a lubricant to eliminate the rust and silence the squeak.

The verifiable records of history have some amazing feats of memory Christmas Evans, the great Welsh Revivalist, whose godly influence has long emblazoned the pages of church history, was granted permission to attend the worship and hear his master preach. Evans didn't leave the service once it began. He sat almost motionless

with his hands. The minister learned that Evans was so enthralled in worship that he had memorized the entire service, including hymns, prayers and sermon. In the afternoon of the Lord's Day, Evans repeated the entire service from memory. What a contrast in our time when the average church-goer can hardly remember the pastor's sermon or text from one service to the next. Because of Evans extraordinary feat of memory, the Lord, in His providence, led a senior farmhand and a Mr. Davis to announce that Christmas Evans was called of God to the ministry of the Word. This encouragement spurred Evans on to accomplish great things for God.

Sir Walter Scott, of English fame, a believer and a man of great leaning and books, heard an eighty-eight, stanza poem just one time and three years later was able to repeat it. The annals of history record that Cyrus, kind King of Persia, designated every soldier in his army by name, though there were many thousands.

Surely, we are all somewhat flabbergasted at such remarkable and extraordinary feats of memory. But still greater and more wonderful is the ability of God to forget our sins and iniquities.

While the rich man in hell was troubled with a gnawing memory of wasted opportunities to be saved while on earth, the believer can rejoice in full measure for time and eternity that God has put away his sins forever to remember them no more. "I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to Me, for I have redeemed you" (Isa. 44:22). The Lord in His ineffable grace, limitless love, and matchless mercy, has put our sins away as far as the East from the West (Ps. 103:12). God has buried our sins in the sea of vanished memory.

“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.” Hebrews 10:17

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